Meet Mister Leather Soles
Something brushed past Lilly from behind. “What was that?” “What was what?” “I felt something. Zymura, I think someone’s here with us,”...
How to deal to with a jealous ex!
A hand shot out, grabbed Lilly by the shoulders, and slammed her back hard against the metal wall of folded bleachers. The resulting...
Dancing with Lilly Noble and Murosky Skaggs
Picking her way through the throng of kids loitering at the edges of the gymnasium floor, Lilly headed for the stage. She sensed someone...
What to do when you think you are being followed!
From behind her, Lilly heard the sharp snap of someone stepping on a twig. Her body tingled a warning. She turned and stood silent and...
Learn How To Use a Truth Mirror
How do you look at someone without really looking at them? Here’s an excerpt: To avoid Shellaire’s defeated expression, Lilly decided to...
How To Know If Your Crush Has a Crush on You Too
Here’s the secret to finding out if that special someone you like, likes you back! Here’s an excerpt: “Hey,” Zymura leaned toward Lilly...
Learn How To Be A Good Roommate – AND How To Find a Boyfriend
In writing my Actual Magic series for Young Adults, I drew upon all my favorite story characters I loved as a kid to create my own. Some...
Attend a Seance
In writing my Actual Magic series for Young Adults, Lilly Noble & Actual Magic, I drew upon all my favorite story characters I loved as a...
Flirting With A Demon
Flirting With A Demon In writing my Actual Magic series for Young Adults, Lilly Noble & Actual Magic, I’ve always found people to be...
Visit Raven’s Landing, Maine
In writing my novel, Lilly Noble & Actual Magic, I remembered as a kid, I found scary places both intriguing and terrifying. Again and ...