Discover the Magic Within You
Title: Discover the Magic within you to believe in yourself. In writing my Actual Magic series for Young Adults, I drew upon people I...

Footprint Love Spell
Just in time for Saint Valentine’s Day! An excerpt from: A MYSTERY’S COLLECTION OF LOVE SPELLS, MYSTICAL CHARMS, & NOT TOO UNPLEASANT...

How to use a magical library
“Can I help you ladies find something?” A low male voice, definitely older and full of authority, rasped from behind Lilly. Startled,...

How to not to behave when stopped by the police
Morgann Janeway-Banks-Skaggs-Noble refused to look at the motorcycle cop handing her driver’s license, car registration, and proof of...

Conquer Claustrophobia
Rounding the corner, they proceeded down a long, narrow, dimly lit corridor. The farther they walked, the narrower and darker it became....

Meet Mister Leather Soles
Something brushed past Lilly from behind. “What was that?” “What was what?” “I felt something. Zymura, I think someone’s here with us,”...

How to deal to with a jealous ex!
A hand shot out, grabbed Lilly by the shoulders, and slammed her back hard against the metal wall of folded bleachers. The resulting...

What to do when you think you are being followed!
From behind her, Lilly heard the sharp snap of someone stepping on a twig. Her body tingled a warning. She turned and stood silent and...

Flirting With A Demon
Flirting With A Demon In writing my Actual Magic series for Young Adults, Lilly Noble & Actual Magic, I’ve always found people to be...