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Haunted Slumber Party

Haunted Slumber Party Facebook Poll Hi you guys,It's time for another Facebook poll! What three things would you bring with you to a slumber party in a haunted house? I'll start: a flashlight, bunny slippers, and a blanket to hide under! Now you! TD Jones Camera,baseball bat, and kindle.Valerie Doty Cell phone, sleeping bag and chocolate.Sherry Dozier Ybarra Flash light , blanket , bodyguardValerie Doty Might have to take scooby doo!Author Simone Fairchild Well, I would bring the Word of God, the Name of Jesus Christ and invoke the Blood of Jesus Christ to send the evil spirits out. LOLDeborah Tirney-Mctiernan I'm thinking I should wear a garlic necklace, with matching earrings, bracelet, and anklet!Brandy Jones A camera, sleeping bag and a bible.Nicole Smith Butler Bottle of wine. A blanket and my bestie.Mac McGovern The Ghost Busters, winged shoes, and ghost disguise.Liana LeFey A Super-Soaker filled with holy water, enough salt for a wide circle, and an Ambien.Cyndi Santolin Delia My bulldog some bacon and a book. LOL!Judee LaDue Childs A crucifix, flashlight and a friend.Curtice Mang ‏@curticemang Cool Whip, naturally!Posted by Deborah McTiernanAuthor of Lilly Noble & Actual MagicParanormal books for TeenagersDares readers to believe in themselves and discover the magic within!

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